Tuesday, October 20, 2015

RUBE GOLDBERG project announced today -- we START Monday Oct. 26th

Dear parent,
Next week, Monday, we will be starting a big project, in the Systems (and building with complex machines) unit. When many machines are connected together to interact, they produce complex machines.

One such example of a more complex machine is a RUBE GOLDBERG machine. In French, reffered to sometimes as ‘La chaĆ®ne Rube Goldberg`.  If you are interested in knowing more, please view videos on this subject on YouTube (there are so many to choose from).

There are a few points you need to be informed of.
1/  The project may last up to 1.5 to 1.75 weeks.
2/  ALL of the project is to be done in class only. They will be given enough periods of Science class to complete the projects (in teams of 2, selected by the teacher).
3/  THE exceptions to #2 above  are:  if any pieces need to be sized (by saw or power tool) or need holes drilled, or any other action that generally would be done by an adult… those small actions can be done at home, and the pieces brought to school for assembly.
4/  We will be using such things as these in class :  -- hot glue (I go over safety rules)  -- duck tape  -- string  -- nails  -- glue  -- hold pieces together with wire,  etc.
5/  ALL  MATERIALS WILL HAVE TO BE BROUGHT BY THE STUDENTS, except (I provide):  - regular white glue and stick glue, and regular clear tape,  paper, construction paper, string.

I  ASK THAT THE PARENTS buy a BOX to build the Rube Goldberg inside.

I offer two options:   A/  you may send in $1.75 in CASH ONLY and I will buy the box.    or  B/  you can buy the 2.0 cubic foot box at a place like Dymon Storage, which costs (with taxes in)  $1.75.
   (REMEMBER:  ONLY 1  box  is required per team of 2 students, so the cost is actually  ..60 cents per student.)   ONLY  2.0 cubic foot boxes please.

Students will have to plan all the materials for their project, and divide them with partners.

You may need to supply such things as (most of which you probably have at home):
--  duck tape  -- hot glue gun  -- hot glue sticks   -- scrap pieces of wood  -- cord (nylon or other thick cord) -- wire  -- hangers  -- wheels or cogs   -- old game pieces  -- pipe cleaners,  unused cups,  --  marbles,  etc.      THE COST OF SUPPLIES WILL BE SPLIT WITH THE PARTNER

The rubric for this project,  as well as this letter has been posted to my Science Blog at:  http://sciencestuffcayer2015.blogspot.ca/

Regards,    Mme Cayer

Thursday, October 8, 2015

SMALL Test on Friction and Work (friction et travail) - Tues, Oct 13th

Small test on Tuesday October 13th.  Was announced on Tuesday Oct 6th.

CONTENTS to Study:   -- 10 definitions that the students were given (and corrected and reviewed)
 and  -- the Math formula for  Work  (le Travail)   T = F  X  d  {they need to know the 3 Math formulas for  "Travail" -- which are the "flipped around" formulas ... they know what I mean, we went over it and practiced in class}.

TEST will be electronic only.

+   They also have to produce a less-than-1-minute video on Friction, for which they were given a checklist to follow.


FYI:  there is NO difference in Knowledge needed to succeed in an electronic test  VS a written paper test.  There is NO intervention on the teacher's part when it comes to the answers being correct or incorrect.  It is completely objective.
    STUDENTS have been informed that they may ask to see all Wrong Answers after work has been completed in class, or if not, at any lunchtime upon request.

FYI also:  All schoolboards in Ontario are moving towards using more technology in the classroom. This is fully in-line with increasing technology use with students, and what is called the "21st Century Teacher" philosophy of teaching. As my class is a full BYOD classroom (Bring Your Own Device), electronic testing is a natural fit.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

INFORMATION on Science Test #1 of Sep 25th

AS with most of my Science tests,  one part was done electronically, and one part was written. Results may take up to one week for the WRITTEN tests, as I teach 4 sections of Grade 8 Sciences. Electronic results were given to all students who came up to see them on MONDAY, Sep 28th.
Written test results (and FINAL scores out of 25) will be handed back this Friday, Oct 2nd.

You will receive a written test with both scores at the top, for your signature - on Fri, Oct 2nd.